Kain Pel yang Patah
Kain Pel yang Patah
Apa kabar hati? Perih? Patah? Sobek? Semoga cepat pulih yaa. Sedih, sakit, patah itu normal kok. Aku juga begitu. Bukankah itu kehidupan? Sabar ya. Semuanya hanya sementara, bahkan saat merasa baik-baik saja. Percaya aja, Allah SWT sayang sama kita. Bukan hanya hati saja yang bisa patah, tetapi kain pel juga bisa patah. Kain pel yang aku pakai sehari-hari di rumah telah patah beberapa hari yang lalu. Kaget gitu. Alhamdulillah pas rusak, mengepelnya sudah kelar. Alhamdulillah..Kain pel yang aku pakai di rumah adalah kain pel tipe spin mop, yang tidak perlu diperas dengan tangan, cukup dengan meletakkan kain pel di atas ember yang akan memeras kain pel dengan cara diputar. Alat pel ini cukup praktis dan tidak terlalu melelahkan, sangat membantu untuk menghemat waktu dan tenaga. Nah, tongkat pel itulah yang patah, sejak patah kain pel itu jadi tidak bisa diperas dengan ember putar. Alhasil, libur mengepel dulu.
Apa kontribusi kain pel?
Kalau hati yang patah, mungkin masih bisa dilekatkan dan digunakan walau masih ada yang luka dan nggak bisa beli yang baru lagi kan? Kalau kain pel yang patah? Mending beli yang baru aja. Nggak enak kalau rumah nggak dipel, lantai jadi lengket dan kotor. Apalagi kalau dirumah ada bocah-bocah yang aktif dan masih belajar untuk mandiri. Belajar untuk makan sendiri, membuka botol minuman fermentasi sendiri, atau minum teh sendiri. Bahkan, selang beberapa menit setelah mengepel, lantai sudah kotor lagi.
Begitulah kehidupan kain pel. Walaupun ia hanya benda mati, tetapi tanpa kehadirannya, kebersihan rumah belum maksimal. Noda, kotoran, kuman di lantai bisa dibersihkan olehnya dibantu juga dengan cairan pembersih lantai. Ia memiliki fungsi dan tujuan yang jelas, menjadi kain pel.
Begitulah kehidupan kain pel. Walaupun ia hanya benda mati, tetapi tanpa kehadirannya, kebersihan rumah belum maksimal. Noda, kotoran, kuman di lantai bisa dibersihkan olehnya dibantu juga dengan cairan pembersih lantai. Ia memiliki fungsi dan tujuan yang jelas, menjadi kain pel.
Kain pel dan tujuan hidup manusia?
Jika kain pel memiliki tujuan dan fungsi yang jelas, bagaimana dengan manusia. Baru-baru ini, aku melihat video tentang seorang mualaf yang menanyakan tentang apa tujuan hidup manusia, ia mengatakan sebelum ia menjadi mualaf, ia selalu bertanya, "Segala hal memiliki makna. HP, baju, laptop segala sesuatu memiliki makna. Tentu, Tuhan menciptakan sesuatu ada maknanya dan ada alasannya. Manusia akan mati, apakah tujuan hidup manusia hanya bekerja, menikah, punya anak, membeli barang mewah lalu mati, apakah hanya itu? Apakah tujuan hidupku? Di Islam, aku melihat nabi-nabi menyeru pada satu hal, menyembah kepada Tuhan Yang Satu dan tidak menyekutukannya."
Untuk menyembuhkan hati yang patah, manusia bisa meminta kepada pemilik dan pencipta hati kita, Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah kain pel aku yang patah sudah diganti dengan kain pel yang baru. Beli online, lumayan lama milihnya, karena tidak mau patah lagi. Akhirnya, aku tetap beli tipe spin mop namun dengan merk yang berbeda, karena merk yang sebelumnya sudah dua kali ganti tongkat pel. Semoga yang baru bisa awet. Dan semoga tulisan ini bisa sedikit bermanfaat. Kalau ada yang mau koreksi silakan komen aja ya.
The mop that I use at home is a spin mop type, which doesn't need to be wrung by hand, just put the mop on the top of a bucket and it will squeeze the mop by rotating it. This spin mop is quite practical and not too tiring, very helpful to save time and effort. Well, actually the mop stick that was broken, since the mop stick was broken, it couldn't be squeezed out with a swivel bucket. As a result, no mopping for few days.
That such is the life of a mop. Although it is only an inanimate object, without their presence, the cleanliness of the house is not optimal. Stains, dirt, germs on the floor can be cleaned by that which also assisted with floor cleaning fluid. It has a clear function and purpose, to be a mop.
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Sumber foto : instagram @dunia_slam |
Ya, jika kain pel saja memiliki makna, apalagi manusia. Pasti Allah SWT memiliki alasan kenapa manusia diciptakan. Seharusnya, setiap manusia mempunyai makna dan punya tujuan hidup juga. Setiap manusia memiliki sesuatu hal istimewa yang bisa ia lakukan. Hal itu tergantung dari pilihan manusia itu sendiri. Namun, saat manusia sudah mengetahui hal istimewa yang ia miliki dan bisa ia lakukan selama hidupnya, pada akhirnya semua yang bernyawa akan mati. Sebelum ia menjadi mualaf, ia sudah tahu kalau pada akhirnya manusia akan mati. Apa yang dia pikirkan, ada di dalam Alquran, Allah SWT berfirman :
"Setiap yang bernyawa akan merasakan mati." (QS. Ali 'Imran 3: Ayat 185).
Apa tujuan penciptaan manusia?
Apa yang diperjuangkan saat hidup tidak akan dibawa semua saat mati, kecuali amal. Ketika mati hanya amal selama hidup yang dibawa, dan ada amalan yang tidak terputus, yaitu: do'a anak yang sholeh, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan sedekah jariyah. Kata siapa? Kata Rasulullah SAW, ini haditsnya.
Dari Abu Hurairah RA berkata: Rasulullah bersabda: "Apabila manusia itu meninggal dunia maka terputuslah segala amalnya kecuali tiga: yaitu sedekah jariyah, ilmu yang bermanfaat atau anak sholeh yang mendoakan kepadanya." (HR Muslim).
Ketika mualaf itu belajar Islam, ia mengetahui bahwa nabi-nabi yang diutus Allah SWT selalu mengajak pada hal yang sama, yaitu menyembah Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Satu dan tidak menyekutukan-Nya. Ternyata, ada alasan lebih jauh kenapa manusia diciptakan. Para Nabi mengajak seperti itu, karena kehidupan di dunia hanya sementara, dan ada kehidupan setelah mati, yaitu di akhirat (surga dan neraka). Dalam Alquran telah dijelaskan tujuan penciptaan manusia, Allah SWT berfirman :
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْاِنْسَ اِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ
Artinya : "Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepada-Ku." (QS. Adz-Dzariyat ayat 56)
Jangan kalah dengan kain pel yang memiliki makna. Manusia harus bisa lebih dari itu. Semoga bisa terus memperbaiki diri dan memahami benar alasan Allah SWT menciptakan manusia.
Untuk menyembuhkan hati yang patah, manusia bisa meminta kepada pemilik dan pencipta hati kita, Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah kain pel aku yang patah sudah diganti dengan kain pel yang baru. Beli online, lumayan lama milihnya, karena tidak mau patah lagi. Akhirnya, aku tetap beli tipe spin mop namun dengan merk yang berbeda, karena merk yang sebelumnya sudah dua kali ganti tongkat pel. Semoga yang baru bisa awet. Dan semoga tulisan ini bisa sedikit bermanfaat. Kalau ada yang mau koreksi silakan komen aja ya.
See you in next article! 🙃
English Translation :
Broken Mop
How's the heart? Stings? Broken? Torn? Hope you can recover quickly. It's normal to be sad, hurt, broken. I am also like that. Isn't that life? Please, be patient. Everything is temporary, even when you feel fine. Believe me, Allah SWT loves us. Not only the heart can 1be broken, but the mop can also be broken. The mop I use everyday at home had broken few days ago. Shocked. Thank God, when it broke, the mopping was finished. Alhamdulillah..The mop that I use at home is a spin mop type, which doesn't need to be wrung by hand, just put the mop on the top of a bucket and it will squeeze the mop by rotating it. This spin mop is quite practical and not too tiring, very helpful to save time and effort. Well, actually the mop stick that was broken, since the mop stick was broken, it couldn't be squeezed out with a swivel bucket. As a result, no mopping for few days.
1What is the contribution of the mop?
A broken heart, maybe it can still be attached and used even though there are still wounds and can't buy a new one, right? What if the mop is broken? Just buy a new one. It's not good if the house is not mopped, the floor becomes sticky and dirty. Especially if at home there are children who are active and still learning to be independent. Learn to feed, open a bottle of fermented drink, or drink tea by themselves. In fact, a few minutes after mopping, the floor was dirty again.That such is the life of a mop. Although it is only an inanimate object, without their presence, the cleanliness of the house is not optimal. Stains, dirt, germs on the floor can be cleaned by that which also assisted with floor cleaning fluid. It has a clear function and purpose, to be a mop.
The mop and the purpose of human life?
If the mop has a clear purpose and function, what about humans? Recently, I saw a video of a convert who asked about the purpose of human life, he said before he became a convert, he always asked, "Everything has meaning. Cell phones, clothes, laptops all have meaning. Of course, God created something has meaning and there is a reason. Humans will die, is the purpose of human life only to work, marry, have children, buy luxury goods and then die, is that all? What is the purpose of my life? In Islam, I see prophets calling on one thing, worship the One God and do not associate anything with God."
Yes, if the mop alone has meaning, so humans. Surely Allah SWT has a reason why humans were created. Supposedly, every human being has meaning and has a purpose in life as well. Every human being has something special that they can do. It depends on their choice. However, when humans already know the special things that they have and can do during their lifetime, in the end all living things will die. Before he became a convert, he already knew that in the end humans will die. What he was thinking, is in the Alquran, Allah SWT says:
"Every soul shall taste death." (Surat Ali 'Imran 3: Verse 185).
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Source : instagram @dunia_slam |
Yes, if the mop alone has meaning, so humans. Surely Allah SWT has a reason why humans were created. Supposedly, every human being has meaning and has a purpose in life as well. Every human being has something special that they can do. It depends on their choice. However, when humans already know the special things that they have and can do during their lifetime, in the end all living things will die. Before he became a convert, he already knew that in the end humans will die. What he was thinking, is in the Alquran, Allah SWT says:
"Every soul shall taste death." (Surat Ali 'Imran 3: Verse 185).
What was the purpose of human creation?
What we fought when we live, will not be taken all when you die, except deeds. When die, only deeds during life are brought, and there are unbroken deeds, namely: the prayer of a sholeh child, useful knowledge and Jariyah deeds. Says who? The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, this is the hadith.
From Abu Hurairah RA said: The Messenger of Allah said: "When a person dies, all his deeds are cut off except for three: Jariyah deeds, useful knowledge and the prayer of a sholeh child." (HR Muslim).
When the convert studied Islam, he knew that the prophets sent by Allah SWT always called for the same thing, namely worshiping Allah SWT, the One God and not associating partners with Allah SWT. The Prophets called for that, because life in this world is only temporary, and there is life after death, namely in the afterlife (heaven and hell). In the Qur'an has explained the purpose of human creation, Allah SWT says:
ا لَقْتُ الْجِنَّ الْاِنْسَ اِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ
Meaning: "I did not create the jinn and humans except that they worship Me." (Surah Adz-Dzariyat verse 56)
Do not lose to a mop that has meaning. Humans have to be more than that. Hopefully we can continue to improve ourselves and understand the true reason God created humans.
To heal a broken heart, humans can ask the owner and creator of our hearts, Allah SWT. Thank God my broken mop has been replaced with a new mop. I buy online, it tooks a lot of time to choose, because I didn't want it break again. In the end, I still bought the spin mop type but with a different brand, because mop stick had broken twice with same brand before. Hopefully the new one will last. And I hope this article can be little useful. If anyone wants to correct it, please comment.
ا لَقْتُ الْجِنَّ الْاِنْسَ اِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ
Meaning: "I did not create the jinn and humans except that they worship Me." (Surah Adz-Dzariyat verse 56)
Do not lose to a mop that has meaning. Humans have to be more than that. Hopefully we can continue to improve ourselves and understand the true reason God created humans.
To heal a broken heart, humans can ask the owner and creator of our hearts, Allah SWT. Thank God my broken mop has been replaced with a new mop. I buy online, it tooks a lot of time to choose, because I didn't want it break again. In the end, I still bought the spin mop type but with a different brand, because mop stick had broken twice with same brand before. Hopefully the new one will last. And I hope this article can be little useful. If anyone wants to correct it, please comment.
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