Apakah Bulan pernah terbelah?
Bulan yang pernah terbelah menjadi dua
Malam itu, bulan purnama bersinar dengan terang. Kaum Quraisy datang kepada Rasulullah SAW ingin menantangnya. Mereka ingin Rasulullah SAW membelah bulan purnama menjadi dua, jika beliau bisa melakukannya, mereka berjanji akan akan beriman kepada Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW pun berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar bulan purnama itu terbelah menjadi dua. Setelah itu, Rasulullah SAW mengarahkan telunjuknya dan menggariskannya ke arah bulan.
MasyaAllah, bulan pun terbelah menjadi dua. Satu bagian di Gunung Abi Qubais dan bagian lain di Gunung As-Suwaydah. Kaum Quraisy pun sangat terkejut, namun mereka masih berpikir itu hanya sihir Muhammad saja. Walau Rasulullah sudah menagih janji mereka untuk beriman kepada Allah SWT.
Merekapun berkata, "Wahai Muhammad, kami ingin pembuktian atas apa yang kami lihat ini. Jika orang-orang yang berada di daerah lain juga melihat bulan terbelah, berarti itu benar dan bukan sihir."
Sebulan kemudian, datanglah rombongan kaum Quraisy dari luar Mekkah. Merekapun bertanya perihal bulan yang terbelah. Rombongan itu pun mengatakan kalau mereka juga melihatnya. Kemudian, sebagian dari kaum Quraisy itu langsung beriman kepada Allah SWT dan mengakui Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi. Sementara sebagian yang lain masih mengganggapnya sebagai sihir.
Seperti itulah gambaran bagaimana bulan terbelah yang diceritakan di buku "Seri Muhammad SAW, teladan umat Islam".
Percaya atau tidak tentang bulan pernah terbelah, kejadian ini tersirat dalam Al-Qur'an, surat Al-Qamar ayat 1-3 :
Dan juga terdapat dalam hadis shahih :
"Dari Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu'anhu, bahwa penduduk Makkah meminta kepada Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam agar beliau menunjukkan tanda-tanda (mukjizat). Maka beliau memperlihatkan kepada mereka dimana bulan terbelah menjadi dua bagian hingga dapat terlihat gua Hira dari celah di antaranya". (HR. Bukhori, No.3579. Shahih)
Pada foto diatas, terlihat seperti ada bekas retakan pada permukaan bulan. Bentuk yang seperti retakan itu disebut ilmuwan sebagai rille/rima Ariadaeus. Dimana mereka menjelaskan, bahwa Rima Ariadeus merupakan patahan tanah yang turun diantara dua sesar kerak bulan yang sejajar.
Bulan adalah ciptaan Allah SWT, tidak sulit bagiNya untuk membelah atau menyatukannya kembali. Segala hal yang ada dalam Al-Qur'an benar adanya, hanya manusia yang belum sempurna memahaminya karena keterbatasan ilmu.
Wallahua'lam bishawab.
English Translation :
Moon was once split into two
As night approaches, that's when the sun switches roles with the moon to illuminate the earth. The moonlight always looks beautiful on a dark night. With the permission of Allah SWT, the beautiful Moon was once split into two.
That night, the full moon shone brightly. The Quraysh came to the Prophet Muhammad to challenge him. They wanted Rasulullah SAW to split the full moon into two, if he could do it, they promised to believe in Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW also prayed to Allah SWT so that the full moon was split into two. After that, Rasulullah SAW pointed his index finger and outlined it towards the moon.
Masha Allah, the moon was split into two. One part is on Mount Abi Qubais and the other part is on Mount As-Suwaydah. The Quraysh were also very surprised, but they still thought it was only Muhammad's magic. Even though the Prophet had demanded their promise to believe in Allah SWT.
They also said, "O Muhammad, we want to prove what we have seen. If people in other areas also see the moon split, it means it is true and not magic."
A month later, a group of Quraysh came from outside Mecca. They also asked about the split moon. The group also said that they also saw it. Then, some of the Quraysh immediately believed in Allah and recognized Muhammad SAW as a prophet. While some others still think of it as magic.
Such is the picture of how the moon is split as described in the book "Series of Muhammad SAW, the role model of Muslims".
Believe it or not about the moon being split apart, this incident is implied in the Qur'an, surah Al-Qamar verses 1-3:
And also found in the authentic hadith:
"From Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu'anhu, that the people of Mecca asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to show him signs (miracles). So he showed them where the moon was split into two parts so that they could see the cave of Hira from the gap between them." (HR. Bukhari, No. 3579. Sahih)
Apart from the Qur'an and hadith, you can see a close-up photo of the moon captured by NASA:
In the photo above, it looks like there are crack marks on the surface of the moon. The crack-like shape is what scientists call the rille/rima Ariadaeus. Where they explain, that Rima Ariadeus is a ground fault that descends between two parallel faults in the moon's crust.
The moon is a creation of Allah SWT, it is not difficult for Him to split or put it back together. Everything in the Qur'an is true, only humans have not fully understood it because of limited knowledge.
Wallahua'lam bishwab.
Maa syaa Allah, merinding saya baca tulisannya mba..
BalasHapusTerimakasih g_hunt 💕
HapusSaya masih harus banyak belajar lagi 🙏